Saturday 14 November 2015

Thailand Unspoiled Islands: Top 5

Are you looking for the Best Unspoiled Islands in Thailand?
Thailand is one of the most popular tourist destinations.

Due to heavy development and commercialization is becoming increasingly difficult to experience the tropical bliss and isolation most of the tourists are looking for.

Koh Bulon island
Koh BulonKo Bulon Leh is a small island in Satun Province, just outside the Tarutao National Marine Park, on the Andaman coast of southern of Thailand.

Koh Bulon Leh is a very small island that managed to stay off the tourists map.

Koh Tarutao island
Koh Tarutao islandKoh Tarutao island is part Tarutao Marine National Park and is located in the Andaman Sea off the coast of South Thailand just above its border with Malaysia.

Protected partly by its national park status, and mostly by its relative inaccessibility, Ko Tarutao Marine National Park is one of the most beautiful and unspoiled regions in Thailand.

Koh Kood island
Koh Kood islandKo Kut (also Koh Kood) is the southern and second-largest island in the Ko Chang archipelago, and the closest to Cambodia.

Koh Kood's great advantage is its relative remoteness. Getting there requires a bus/train journey from Bangkok, followed by an hour's boat ride from the mainland.

Koh Adang island
Koh Adang island Koh Adang island is part Tarutao Marine National Park and is located in the Andaman Sea off the coast of South Thailand just above its border with Malaysia.

Protected partly by its national park status, and mostly by its relative inaccessibility, Ko Tarutao Marine National Park is one of the most beautiful and unspoiled regions in Thailand.

Koh Mak island
Koh Mak islandKo Mak (often also written Ko Maak), the betel nut island, is the third largest island of the province of Trat after Ko Chang and Ko Kood.

Just a few kilometers south of Ko Chang yet a million miles from its heavy commercialization lies Ko Maak, an overlooked gem in the Gulf of Thailand.

Sunil Singh is a passionate blogger, living in India. He writes on behalf of Cashfortraveling. He loves to write as a guest blogger with interest in Gadgets, Automotive and